Friday, 29 August 2014

Learning Macramé

So as I sit hear contemplating my bottles, and the twine I have dug out of my deep stash to cover them, I remember the crafting world of my mums.

Back in the 60 & 70s, the CWA (Country Women's Association) was the go to place to learn, exp...
eriment, share and socialise.
They are still around too!

Back then most mums were ‘stay at home mums’ and needed activities to fill their day, and the CWA was as good as any. I remember going along to a couple (must have been school holidays or a little sick) and had a great old time playing with crafty goodness.

Sadly these types of groups are not like they were back then. This day and age most wives and mums have to work to help pay the bills. So when I first married I kept on crafting with the skills I had, and turned to the library for inspiration and learning.... then the kids came and not much time for crafting anymore.

Now they are older, and I have cut work back to casual I can re-visit my former crafting life! However, now we have the Internet with inspiration, how to’s and most especially ‘youtube’ for the next best thing to a hands on lesson!

I think there officially a ‘how to’ on everything there is to know on ‘youtube’ and of course Macramé!
Macrame School is a great one!
And they are also here on facebook
Just search Macramé School!

While I am loving the world of the internet learning, I still am old school and love my books!


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